The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute (EEEI) collaborates with NVIDIA Asia Pacific South Region for a series of technical talks on artificial intelligence (AI).
The series kicked off last October 2022 with NVIDIA APS’ Director himself, Dr. Ettikan Kandasamy Karuppiah, who talked about Accelerating AI-Driven Education and Research in University with NVIDIA Resources. It was attended by more than 100 participants coming from various universities, agencies and organizations.
For the next installment, NVIDIA APS’ Developer Relations Manager Chong Guang Hui will tackle Vision AI with NVIDIA Metropolis Platform this coming February 16 (Thursday). This event, like the last one, is still open for everyone and will also be streamed live on EEEI’s Facebook page.
Register now for this talk via: https://bit.ly/EEEINVIDIATALK2