This page includes important academic information for current EEEI students, both undergraduate and graduate students, including: General Registration Procedures, Academic Rules, Academic Requirements, Graduate Programs Residence Rules, and Transfer of Credits.
Rules on Scholastic Standing of the College of Engineering:
(For Graduate Students)

Other Registration Procedures
Other Registration Procedures
Academic Concerns | Description | Procedure |
Change Section/ Matriculation | This form is needed if the following occurs:
Leave of Absence (LOA) | A new policy of the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) states that a student must finish his/her LOA during registration if s/he will not enroll at all during the semester. The deadline set in the academic calendar for filing of LOA is only for students who enrolled at the start of the semester but has decided not to finish the semester. |
Request for True Copy of Grades/ Filing for Graduation | A student may request for a true copy of grades (TCG) for a specific semester or year, or for the whole duration of his/her stay in the college. This can be used for verification of passing grades in prerequisites, application for scholarships, or student assistantships, etc. Meanwhile, a student must inform the college that s/he is graduating in the next semester or on summer by filing a specific form before a date scheduled by the college. |
Dropping/ Removals/ Completion | DROPPING: A student may decide to drop if he is failing in the subject or if he has exceeded the prescribed amount of absences that a student can have in a semester. REMOVALS: A student who has incurred a grade of 4.0 may take a removal exam. The removal exam is scheduled by the instructor and may be set anytime during the academic year. Only students who submit a removal form to his/her instructor will be allowed to take the exam. COMPLETION: A student who has incurred a grade of incomplete (INC) and has submitted the requirement/s s/he needs to complete the subject must fill up a completion form so that his/her final grade will be submitted to the college and to the OUR. S/He must complete the subject either before a deadline set by the instructor or before one (1) year has passed, whichever date is earlier. |
Academic Load Requirements
Regular Load: at least 15 units per semester, maximum 18 units lecture or 21 units all-in-all
Underload: less than 15 units
Overload: more than 18 units lecture or 21 units all-in-all
A student may, with the consent of his instructor and the Dean, drop a subject by filling out the prescribed U.P. Form No. 26 before 3/4 of the prescribed semester term has elapsed. Any student who drops a course without the approval of the Dean shall have his registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn. If a subject is dropped after the middle of the term, the faculty member concerned shall indicate the date and the class standing of the student of the time of dropping as either “PASSING” or “FAILING”, solely for administrative guidance.

Leave of Absence (LOA)
Leave of absence (LOA) should be requested in a written petition to the Dean. The petition should state the reason for which the leave is desired and should specify the period of the leave. The leave should not exceed one year but may be renewed for at most another year.
When not taken in two successive years, the aggregate leave of absence should not exceed two years. A student who needs to go on leave of absence beyond the allowable period of two years should be advised to apply for an honorable dismissal, without prejudice to readmission.
The college, through the Dean or his duly authorized representative, shall inform (1) the University Registrar and (2) the parents/guardian of every student granted leave of absence of such leave, indicating the reasons for the same and the amount of money refunded to the student, if any.
For leave of absence to be availed of during the second half of the semester, faculty members concerned shall be required to indicate the class standing of the student (passing or failing) at the time of the application for the leave. No application of leave of absence shall be approved without the class standing being indicated by the instructors concerned. This, however, should not be entered in the official Report of Grades.
If a student withdraws after ¾ of the total number of hours prescribed for the course has already elapsed, his instructors may submit a grade of 5 for him if his class standing up to the time of his withdrawal is below 3. No leave of absence shall be granted during the semester within two weeks before the last day of classes.
If the inability of the student to continue his classes is for reasons of health or similar justifiable causes, his absence during this period shall be considered excused. In such cases, the student shall be required to apply for excuse from his absences. It shall be the responsibility of the student to present the excuse slip to the faculty members concerned.
Students who withdrew from a college without formal leave of absence shall have their registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.
Maximum Residency
No student who fails to finish the requirements of a course of any college within a period of actual residence equivalent to 1 ½ times the normal length of the course concerned shall be allowed to register further in that college.
Scholastic Delinquency
The faculty shall approve suitable and effective provisions governing undergraduate delinquent students, subject to the following minimum standards:
Any student who obtains final grades at the end of the semester below 3 in 25% to 49% of the total number of academic units in which he is registered shall be warned by the Dean to improve his work.
Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains finals grades below 3 in 50% to 75% of the total number of academic units in which he has final grades shall be placed on probation for the succeeding semester and his load shall be limited to the extent to be determined by the Dean. Probation may be removed by passing with grades of 3 or better in more than 50% of the units in which he has finals grades in the succeeding semester.
- Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3 in more than 75% but less than 100% of the total number of academic units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the rolls of the college.
- Any student on probation in accordance with the preceding article who again fails in 50% or more of the total number of units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the rolls of his college or school subject to the provisions of the following article.
- Any student dropped from one college shall not ordinarily be admitted to another unit of the University unless in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs his natural aptitude and interest may qualify him in another field of study in which case he may be allowed to enroll in the proper college or department.
- Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3 in 100% of the academic units in which he is given final grades shall be permanently barred from readmission to any college of the University.
- Any student who was dropped in accordance with the rules on Dismissal and again fails so that it becomes necessary again to drop him, shall not be eligible for readmission to any college of the University.
- Permanent disqualification does not apply to cases where, on the recommendation of the instructors concerned, the faculty certifies that the grades of 5 were due to the student’s unauthorized dropping of the subjects and not to poor scholarship. However, if the unauthorized withdrawal takes place after the mid-semester and the student’s class standing is poor, his grades of 5 shall be counted against him for the purpose of this scholarship rule.
The Dean shall deal with these cases on their individual merits in the light of the recommendations of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs; Provided, that in no case of readmission to the same or another college shall the action be lighter than probation.
A grade of INC is not to be included in the computation. When it is replaced by a final grade, the latter is to be included in the grades during the semester when the removal is made. Required courses in which a student has failed shall take precedence over other courses in his succeeding enrollment.
Retention Rules*
*for students under the 5-year curricula
A student will be permanently dismissed from any EEE undergraduate program due to any of the following reasons:
- Incurs a grade other than a passing grade twice in any of these mathematics courses: (Math 17, Math 53, Math 54, Math 55).
- Accumulates three or more grades other than passing grades in any combination of these mathematics courses (Math 17, Math 53, Math 54, Math 55).
- Incurs a grade other than a passing grade twice in any of these basic EEE courses (EEE 23, EEE 31, EEE 33, EEE 35, EEE 41).
- Accumulates three or more grades other than passing grades in any combination of these basic EEE courses (EEE 23, EEE 31, EEE 33, EEE 35, EEE 41).
For purposes of this retention rule, a ‘grade other than a passing grade’ includes the following: a 5.00, an unremoved 4.00, an unremoved ‘INC’, or a ‘DRP’ recorded at the end of the semester or semesters under evaluation.
National Service Training Program
The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components. Its various components are specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare. For UP students, the following rules about NSTP are observed:
- Each student is required to take 3 unit courses for 2 semesters (6 units total).
- Students may only take these courses after their first year.
- The following are the components of the program:
- Military Training Services (MTS)
- Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS)
- Literacy Training Services (LTS)
Both 3 unit courses to be taken must be from the same component of the program.
For more information on this program, click on this link to look at the Republic Act that established this program.
Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
The Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) is a set of rules and regulations to ensure equitable, secure and reliable access to the University’s resources and governs the use of computing facilities, networks and other information technology (IT) resources of the University of the Philippines System. Everybody who uses a computer connected to the UP network is covered by the AUP.
The full text of this policy is available here.
One-Year Residence before Graduation
The student must be officially enrolled in residence at least one (1) academic year prior to the conferment of the Masters/Doctoral degree.
Regular Period for Completion
The time limit for the completion of all masters/doctoral degree requirements shall be five (5) years.The counting of the period of residence shall start from the student’s first enrollment in a graduate course after admission into the masters/doctoral program and shall include all leaves of absence from the program. The regular period for completion for a graduate student transferring from another university shall be reduced by one (1) semester.
If there are courses taken by the student prior to his admission to the program and credited to his course requirements, then the allowed period of completion will be reduced by a number of semesters equivalent to one semester for every nine (9) units of courses credited to his program.
Extension of Residence
In meritorious cases, extensions of residence beyond the above regular period of completion may be approved by the Dean/Director upon the recommendation of the appropriate bodies. This extension shall be for a period not exceeding one (1) calendar year at a time. In no case shall the extensions exceed more than five (5) years. The student granted an extension shall take additional units of graduate courses in his/her discipline or area at a rate of three (3) units for every two (2) years of extension or a fraction thereof.
Non-Compliance with Maximum Residence Rules (MRR)
Any student who fails to complete all requirements of the degree within the regular period and any approved extension thereof shall be disqualified from the masters/doctoral program.
Leave of Absence (LOA)/ Absence without Leave (AWOL)
A student who goes on leave of absence (LOA)/absence without leave (AWOL) from a Master’s program shall seek readmission into the program from the Dean/Director, through channels.
Transfer from One Masters/Doctoral Option to Another
Any student in the masters/doctoral program may be allowed to transfer to another masters/doctoral option, subject to the approval of the Dean/Director, through channels.
Transfer of Credits from another University
Subject to the recommendation of the appropriate bodies and the approval of the Dean/Director, graduate courses taken by a student in another university may be credited towards his masters or doctoral program provided that:
- these courses were taken within the last five years prior to admission;
- these were validated through appropriate means by the College/unit or Graduate Office /Committee concerned*; and
- the total number of credits transferred shall not exceed three -eights (3/8) of the total number of units in the student’s Masters course requirements.
*This condition shall not apply if the courses were taken in an institution with which the University of the Philippines has a special academic arrangement and if these courses are part of the student’s approved Program of Study.
Transfer of Credits from another Program
Subject to the recommendation of the appropriate bodies and the approval by the Dean/Director, graduate courses taken by the student under another program of the University of the Philippines may be transferred for credit to his new masters/doctoral program provided that:
- these courses were taken during the last five (5) years prior to the student’s admission or transfer to the Masters program;
- these units have not been credited to a degree previously obtained by the student; and
- these courses are relevant to his new program.
Processing of Transfer of Credits
Transfer of credits shall be done within the first semester of the student’s admission into the program. The course/s credited shall be specified in the student’s record by the Graduate Office/Committee of the College/unit concerned. A copy of the approval shall be sent to the Office of the University Registrar, through channels.