Academic organizations

UP Circuit
UP Circuit is an academic, non-profit, and non-political organization based in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute (EEEI) of UP Diliman. We uphold the standards of honor and excellence while serving as an avenue for holistic development and fostering camaraderie, making it an ideal pathway for students as future engineers. We aim to conduct excellence, rectify character, and amplify skills and talents. We dare to be more; We dare to be different.

UP Engineering Radio Guild (UP ERG)
UP Engineering Radio Guild is a duly recognized organization based in the UP Diliman Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute dedicated to producing well-rounded members. The organization has stayed true to its purpose of excellence and service since 1935 back when it was still an amateur radio club. Being the oldest student organization in the College of Engineering, its activities are constantly centered on holistic development for both participants and organizers. UP ERG also takes pride in its alumni who are now key players in the government, the academe, and the EEE industry. The UP ERG family continues to grow into a dynamic community with a thrust in building a bridge between the academe and the industry through projects like Dagitab and Synergy.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers University of the Philippines Diliman Student Branch (IEEE UPD SB)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers University of the Philippines Diliman Student Branch (IEEE UPD SB) is a college-recognized professional organization based in the College of Engineering committed to promoting a passion for technology through technical, academic, professional, and humanitarian services. IEEE UPD SB aims to connect students to professionals in the field of technology by collaborating with the local and global IEEE network, the industry sector, the government sector, and other key players in the technology industry.

UP Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers of the Philippines - UP Diliman Chapter (UP IECEP)
UP IECEP is an academic, non-profit, non-political duly recognized organization of the UP College of Engineering aimed at improving the academic performance of its members and to establish a common ground for BS ECE students in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute. We are one of the few organizations in UP Diliman affiliated with a national body, UP IECEP is one of the student chapters of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines, a PRC-recognized organization for professional electronics engineers (PECE), electronics engineers (ECE), and electronics technicians (ECT) of the Philippines.

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Council of Student Chapters - UP Diliman (IIEE)
The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers—Council of Student Chapters, UP Diliman Chapter (IIEE-CSC-UPD), is a non-profit, non-political academic organization based in the College of Engineering at the University of the Philippines Diliman. Dedicated to fostering academic excellence, holistic development, and professional growth, the organization supports its members in advancing within the field of Electrical Engineering. As part of the Council of Student Chapters, we serve as a key conduit for information and technical resources, bridging the gap between student members and the national body of electrical engineers and practitioners under the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.