UP EEEI Health and Safety Guidelines

in accordance with memo FRN-23-002

“The UP Diliman (UPD) campus is fully reopening this Second Semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023. Over the course of the pandemic, the University has done its utmost efforts to maintain operations and pursue the reopening of classes by implementing modified work schedules and retrofitting offices and classrooms to comply with the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and local government unit (LGU) health and safety protocols. Recognizing the improved pandemic conditions and taking its cue from the World Health Organization’s assessment that we are nearing the end of the public health crisis, UP Diliman declared on 29 September 2022, its readiness to return to campus. Our position is also in step with the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum No. 16 Series of 2022, which enjoins Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to transition back to onsite learning.”

How can I protect myself from COVID-19? (General guidelines from DOH)

  • Wear face mask
  • Sanitize your hands
  • Practice one-meter physical distancing and limit physical interaction
  • Ensure good indoor ventilation and air flow

EEE Contact Tracing Platform

  • Everyone accessing a room must fill out the contact tracing form of that room (including tambayans).
A. UPD General Guidelines

As UP Diliman fully reopens this Second Semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023, kindly read the UP Diliman (UPD) Health Protocols and Guidelines on the Conduct of Face-to-Face Classes updated as of January 13, 2023.

  1. Do not go to campus if student/faculty/staff feel any symptoms (cough, fever, headaches, diarrhea, body malaise (not feeling well), etc).
  2. Practice frequent hand hygiene and do not eat meals together
  3. Inform the EEE Admin or your immediate supervisor if staff is caring for Covid-19 positive person at home
B. Contingency Plan for Outbreak or COVID-19 Cases among FIC/Staff/Students
  1. Faculty/staff who develop symptoms should inform the HeLO, and go directly to the UPHS for assessment.
  2. Students who develop symptoms should inform the faculty adviser/FIC and SHeLO, or may go directly to the UPHS for consultation if the faculty adviser/FIC and SHeLO are not available.
  3. The faculty adviser/FIC must report to the UPHS-Public Health Unit (PHU) if there is a suspected COVID-19 case among students, who shall then be brought to the UPHS for assessment. If the student’s COVID test result is positive, the student will be referred to a facility for isolation and monitoring, that is if symptoms are mild; or tertiary hospitals, if symptoms are moderate to severe. In the absence of transportation, the student may call the UPHS at local 111 or 112 to request ambulance assistance inside the campus. If a student may have been in close contact with a confirmed positive individual, the student may consult with the UPHS for assessment.
  4. The faculty adviser/FIC/SHeLO shall inform the unit head and the EEEI HeLO to initiate contact tracing with the UHS-PHU, proceed with decontamination procedures in the building, and contact the student’s parent/guardian.
  5. Room will be disinfected 24 hours after confirmed positive case and will only be used after another 24 hours after disinfection.
  6. In the unavailability of an alternative classroom, all classes affected will revert to their alternative learning mode.
C. Obtaining permission to access EEEI
  1. General provisions:
    1. Proper wearing of face masks and physical distancing protocols shall be maintained in EEEI premises at all times.
    2. Everyone must wear their UP ID when in EEE premises. (To get a UP ID: https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/announce/OnlineIDProcess.pdf)
    3. Persons without permission to access EEEI will be denied entry to the building and will be asked to leave.
  2. Specific provisions:
    1. Students
      1. Only students with scheduled F2F classes will be allowed to enter the building. (Must show proof of F2F classes by showing their Form 5/CRS print out)
      2. Student access to lab facilities will be granted to students working on their thesis (300/400)/capstone projects (198/199):
        • Advisers/Lab Heads will provide a list of Laboratory Affiliates/Advisees that will be allowed access to their respective Research Laboratories
        • Advisers/Lab Heads must ensure that minimum health and safety protocols (social distancing, room capacity, etc.) are observed inside the Research Laboratories.
      3. Students waiting for their classes are requested to stay in the common spaces (Quiet Zones, lobbies, Wellness Room) while following the MPHS.
      4. Access to tambayans:
        • Everyone accessing the tambayans must fill-up and submit a contact tracing form for the tambayan.
        • All tambayan spaces may only be used by student organizations under Alert Level 1
        • Only enrolled students (ES) are allowed to access tambayan spaces. Staying in the spaces is only allowed from 7AM to 5PM Mondays – Fridays.
        • Minimum public health standards (MPHS) must be observed at all times in the tambayan spaces, including but not limited to the following:
          • Minimum of 1-meter physical distancing which will also be used in determining the maximum capacity of the space. If eating will be done in the space, those who will eat must be in a separate location from those who will not and in alternating/staggered seating position so that they will not be directly facing each other. Increase the minimum physical distancing during eating, if possible.
          • Ensure adequate ventilation in the space. Refer to the presentation titled “Recommendations for Setup of Facilities to Reduce the Risks of Covid-19 Transmission”.
          • Ensure that masks are worn whenever possible.
          • Surface disinfection of each ES who will access the tambayan at the end of tambay session.
          • Sanitation station nearby/within the tambayan space.
      5. Those who will suddenly feel ill while in the space must immediately proceed to the isolation area (Rm 202) of the building. Anyone in the space at the same time must report the situation to the guard on duty. If there’s no other person in the area, the sick person must report his/her condition to the guard on duty.
      6. Housekeeping in the tambayan spaces must be observed at all times.
      7. Spot checking by the Engineering administration and/or security personnel may be done. If a member of the organization is caught not following the health standards will be grounds for terminating the access of the organization to the tambayan.
    2. Couriers/Messengers will not be allowed entry and will be asked to drop off packages/letters with the security guard on duty. 
  3. Granting Access to Visitors
    • Access to the premises may be granted to visitors provided that their visit is related to the institute’s essential and priority work (e.g. document delivery, building repairs, construction, etc)
    • Requests for access must be filed by a faculty member on the visitors’ behalf using the Room Access Permit application. The names of the visitors must be listed in the “Permit Reason”. 
D. Building Access
  1. Access to the building will only be allowed Mondays to Saturdays, from 7AM to 9PM. At 9PM, the guards will ask all building occupants to leave.
  2. The main doors to EEEI Bldg 2 will serve as the single entry point. The main doors to EEEI Bldg 1 will serve as the single exit point. The glass doors to the old faculty parking lot will be closed.
  3. All entrants must present and wear a valid ID to the guard on duty. 
  4. The temperatures of all who intend to go inside EEEI will be screened by the guard on duty. Anyone with a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher after two takes will be directed to stay at a designated holding area and referred to the UPHS for further evaluation.
  5. Alcohol dispensers are to be installed at the main entrance of the building. Entrants are required to disinfect their hands before entry.
  6. All entrants to the building must don a face mask. 
  7. The use of biometric scanners shall be temporarily suspended to reduce instances of a number of people touching a common surface. The guard on duty will take note of each person’s time of entry/exit.
E. Room Access and use
  1. All occupants, even when alone, must wear a mask. Disposable masks will be available at the security guard.
  2. All room occupants must observe a minimum physical distance of 1 meter from each other at all times. 
  3. All rooms, while in use, should have electric fans running and must have windows or doors open as much as possible to promote good ventilation.
  4. Occupants must close all windows and doors, and turn off all electric fans and air conditioners upon leaving the room.
  5. Occupants are to sanitize their desks, keyboard, and mouse before leaving. Personal paraphernalia on desktops must be kept at a minimum. Alcohol spray bottles and paper towels will be provided by the Institute for this purpose. As supplies may be initially limited, occupants are also encouraged to bring their own personal spray bottles and paper towels.
  6. Occupants who become sick during the day should inform the guard on duty, who will then direct them to stay in a designated isolation room (i.e. Rm 202). The guard on duty will then contact the UPHS and refer the unwell occupant to the UPHS for further evaluation.
F. Building Sanitation
  1. The Building Administrator will be responsible for leading the sanitation efforts to be implemented by the service providers.
  2. All common restrooms will be stocked with liquid soap dispensers and paper towels.
  3. Hand sanitizing stations will be placed at prominent locations.
  4. High-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, handrails, light switches, and the like will be disinfected four times daily: twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon.
  5. A designated bin for infectious waste such as disposable masks, tissues, gloves will be placed at the common restrooms.
  6. The exterior of filled garbage bags that are put out for collection will be sprayed with a bleach solution so that trash collectors are not exposed to possible hazards.
COVID-related information
  1. Copies of UPD’s guidelines and the approved guidelines specific to EEEI will be printed and posted at EEEI’s bulletin boards.
  2. Posters on proper handwashing will be placed in all common restrooms.
  3. Posters reminding people to flush with the toilet lid closed will be placed in all restroom cubicles.
  4. Informational posters on reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection will be posted at the bulletin boards.
Contact Information

Paul Jason Co

Deputy Director for Planning and Finance

Email: ddpf@eee.upd.edu.ph; paul.co@eee.upd.edu.ph

Jaere Medina

EEE Institute Building Administrator

Email: jaere.medina@eee.upd.edu.ph; buildingadmin@eee.upd.edu.ph

Amelia Yanzon

EEE Institute Administrative Officer

Email: amelia.yanzon@eee.upd.edu.ph

Donwel Mejia

EEE Health Liaison Officer

Email: saro@eee.upd.edu.ph

Tim Valenzuela

EEE Health Liaison Officer

Email: info@eee.upd.edu.ph