Internship Program FAQs

Important Reminders: 

Please read the guidelines and FAQs carefully and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

For all potential student interns (currently applying, requesting for endorsement, accepted and would like to submit requirements for industry immersion crediting) please make sure you have filled out the and submit the necessary requirements.

To be able to request for Institute endorsement, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Industry Immersion is with a Company that has MOA with UP Diliman. List of companies available here:
  • Immersion Period must follow the Mid Year Term (refer to updated UP Diliman Academic Calendar) Note: Actual immersion period may not necessarily fall within the Mid Year term specific dates but must not deviate significantly and not overlap with the current 2nd semester and the incoming 1st semester.
  • Requests for Endorsement must be submitted through this FORM. Letter request for endorsement must be signed by your Registration Adviser.
  • Template for Endorsement letter available here: 
  • Faculty In Charge:  Bernalyn Decena <> 

If accepted and would like to have your internship credited,

  • Pre-immersion requirements must be submitted through this FORM. List of requirements (Appendix 2-4) available here:
  • All pre-immersion requirements must be submitted before the Registration Period for the Mid Year term.

For further queries, please email with subject title starting with “[Internship Inquiry]

Q1. Are industry immersions required?
A1. No. None of the EEEI offered degrees requires an industry immersion program. However, the faculty as an adviser or a research laboratory may require or recommend an industry immersion as part of the supervisorship or laboratory affiliation.

Q2. How can an immersion be credited as an elective?
A2. Only companies which has an existing MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) with UP Diliman can have immersions credited as an elective. Also, the industry immersion timeline of the partner company MUST align with the timeline of the elective subject which will be offered usually in the Mid Year Term.

Q3. Where can I request for the list of companies that the Institute / University has a memorandum of agreement with?
A3. You may fill-out the Interest Survey Form and choose “searching for company” to access the list of companies.

Q4. How do I apply for an internship?
A4. You may check for available immersion opportunities and apply directly to the company. For partner companies requiring an endorsement, you must write an application letter and then request your adviser for an endorsement letter. Submit all application requirements to the company.

Department endorsements can only be made for applications to partner companies with valid MOA/MOU. To request, you may use also this Interest Survey Form and choose “requesting for endorsement”. Template for Endorsement letter available here:

Q5. I got accepted by a company, does that automatically enroll me in the EE/ECE/CoE 197 course in the Midyear term?
A5. No. Enrollment in EE/ECE/COE 197 is optional. Again, if an existing MOA between UP and the company exists and the immersion timeline aligns with the offered industry immersion elective, you may request that you be enrolled in the industry immersion elective course.

Q6. What do I need if I want to enroll in EE/ECE/COE 197?
A6. You must be senior standing, not necessarily graduating status. The minimum period of internship is 240 hours. Start by filling out the Interest Survey Form and choose “accepted for internship”. Ask the company for a Letter of Acceptance/contract, prepare Parent Consent Form, and 3 signed copies of Industry Immersion Contract / Agreement (List of requirements available here: Progress reports, evaluation forms and final report will be required to complete the course. Again, provided that (1) an effective MOA between UP and the company exists, and (2) the company’s immersion timeline is aligned with the offered industry immersion elective course.

Q7. Do I need to talk to a regular faculty member to review my progress reports and evaluation forms?
A7. Progress reports will be submitted to the faculty in charge after 1/3 and 2/3 of the internship period. Final report and evaluation form will be submitted at the end of the  immersion.

For more information on the UPD Office of Field Activities Guidelines, please visit this LINK.

Figure 1. COE/ECE/EE 197 Flowchart

[FOR COMPANIES] How to become a Host Training Establishment (HTE) for Internships?

Step 0. Must have a Memorandum of Agreement with UP College of Engineering

This must be coordinated with the College Committee on Institutional Linkages (COIL) and the Office of the Deputy Director for Students and Alumni. 

  • Company requests a meeting with the Office of the Deputy Director for Students and Alumni ( / and COIL, to introduce the company, its internship program, and potential collaboration with the Institute. 
  • Once okay to proceed after the meeting, COIL coordinates with the company for the requirements, Supervisor-in-charge details, and the draft MoA. Due to the legal review process of both parties, it is recommended to initiate this at least 1 semester before the target internship period.
  • COIL informs the company once MoA has been approved and finalized

Step 1. Internship Proper

HTE prepares the following documents and reports during the internship period.

Pre-internshipDuring InternshipPost-internship
  • Issue letter of acceptance to the student
  • Draft internship plan
  • Internship contract*
  • Internship Orientation
  • To sign two (2) Progress reports* from students (⅓ and ⅔ of the internship)
  • To submit Mid-term and Final Evaluation* of student interns (template to be sent by faculty-in-charge)
  • Issue Certificate of Completion to the intern

*Internship Contract – template available from EEEI (reaffirms the duties specified in the MoA). This may also originate from the company but must at least include:

              1. the overall description or overview of the internship, 
              2. the period covered, 
              3. the allowance, and
              4. the internship work plan or schedule of activities

*Progress Reports and Mid-term/Final Evaluation Report  – template available from EEEI

For more information: 

Last update: 20 June 2024