Position: Assistant Professor
Laboratory Affiliation: Microelectronics and Microprocessors Laboratory
Room: 325
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 loc 3380
Email: nicolette.arriola@eee.upd.edu.ph Research Interests: Power Electronics; Solar Power
Educational Background:
MS Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines, 2015
Recent Publication/s:
Nicolette Ann A. Arriola, “Road surface obstacle detection using vision and LIDAR for Autonomous Vehicle, Proc. 2017 IAENG International Conference on Control & Automation IMECS 2017, Hongkong, March 14-19, 2017.
Nicolette Ann A. Arriola, “Coordinated maximum power point tracking in modular photovoltaic power systems,” Proc. TENCON 2015 (Macau) IEEE Region 10.