Position: Professor
Laboratory Affiliation: Electricity Market Research Laboratory
Room: 426
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 ext 3340
Research Interests: Power Systems; Power Quality, Electricity Market
Educational Background:
PhD Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Canterbury, 2012
Research Interests/Activities: Research interests include harmonic stability and other topics related to power quality. Recently, he inherited the EMRL (from Dr. Nerves) and has shifted his research to electricity markets propped with his experiences from the PEMC Technical Committee. He currently advises graduate and undergraduate researchers who are keen to explore the participation of distributed resources in the electricity market and on processes that involve both the market operator and the system operator.
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Laboratory Affiliation: Electricity Market Research Laboratory
Room: 426
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 ext 3340
Research Interests: Power Systems; Power Quality, Electricity Market
Educational Background:
PhD Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Canterbury, 2012
Research Interests/Activities: Research interests include harmonic stability and other topics related to power quality. Recently, he inherited the EMRL (from Dr. Nerves) and has shifted his research to electricity markets propped with his experiences from the PEMC Technical Committee. He currently advises graduate and undergraduate researchers who are keen to explore the participation of distributed resources in the electricity market and on processes that involve both the market operator and the system operator.
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Recent Publication/s:
E.J.S. Del Rosario and J.R.C. Orillaza, “Dynamic Sizing of Frequency Control Ancillary Service Requirements for a Philippine Grid,” 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Orlando, FL, USA, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/PESGM52003.2023.10252643. |
R.Z.S. Santos and J.R.C. Orillaza, “A Probabilistic Framework for Network Security in Matchmaking-Based P2P Energy Trading,” 2023 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Canberra, Australia, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP55890.2023.10223680. |
E.J.S. Del Rosario and J.R.C. Orillaza, “Power Imbalance Drivers and Reliability Targets for Dynamic Control Reserves of a Philippine Grid,” 2023 13th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE), Tokyo, Japan, 2023, pp. 177-181, doi: 10.1109/CPEEE56777.2023.10217604. |
R.Z. Santos, J. Orillaza, A Two-layer transactive energy system: upper layer analysis, IEEE India Council International Conference, Kochi Kerala, 24-26 Nov 2022 |
A Zeno, R Embate, I Cruz, JR Orillaza, Transmission Development Projects Assessment Using Simulated Market Prices 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia) |
M Orpilla, RJ Gallano, JR Orillaza, Fault Location with Load Profile Based Variation Compensation, Philippine Engineering Journal 42 (1) 2021 |
A Zeno, TG Magallones, JR Orillaza, Application of Flexibility in the Expansion of an Electrical Grid in the Philippines 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES) |
A Zeno, JR Orillaza, ML Kolhe, Analysing the effects of power swing on wind farms using instantaneous impedances Renewable Energy 147, 1432-1452 2020 |
A Zeno, JR Orillaza, ML Kolhe, Analytical Modelling of Power Swing and Validation Using Real Time Digital Simulator IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 605 (1), 012010 1 019 |
A Zeno, JR Orillaza, Mathematical Modeling of Impedance During Power Swing as a Function of Time 2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia) |
Ramos, J.J. and Orillaza, J.R. Modelling, Simulation, and Comparison of Wind Energy Voltage Fluctuation Mitigation Methods, Philippine Journal of Engineering Education and Technology, Philippine Association of Engineering Schools, 2019 |
A Zeno, JR Orillaza, Discriminating faults from power swing using impedance angle and analysis in three dimensional space, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) 11 2019 |
PEDC Bundoc, JRC Orillaza, PMU-based distribution system state estimation, 2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) |
RZS Santos, JRC Orillaza, Distribution System State Estimator Using SCADA andPMU Measurements: An FDI Attack Vulnerability Analysis 2018 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (IEEE-PES-APPEEC) |
KJG Aligam, JMG Dolot, ES Flores, JRC Orillaza, Distribution system state estimator based on a linearized three-phase power flow 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering |
RZS Santos, JRC Orillaza, Distribution system state estimator using SCADA and μPMU measurements 2018 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia) |
LLF Blas, PEDC Bundoc, KCL Melchor, JRC Orillaza, Micro-Synchrophasors for Event Detection in an Electric Power System Simulator 2018 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia) |
SDS Anonas, JRC Orillaza, Solar PV integrated hosting capacity analysis with Volt-VAr compensation 2018 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia) |
AAG Mabaning, JRC Orillaza, A von Meier, Optimal PMU placement for distribution network 2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT-Asia) |
ADS Cruz, JRC Orillaza, Classification of single and multiple PQ disturbances based on DWT and RF classifiers 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) |
AAG Mabaning, JRC Orillaza, Complete solution of optimal PMU placement using reduced exhaustive search 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) |
JR Orillaza, A Angeles, A Barra, L Orillaza, Distribution Utility survey on electricity prepaid metering 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) |
IBNC Cruz, AP Lavega, JRC Orillaza, Overview of methods for voltage sag performance estimation 17th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) 2016 |
MAC Mercado, JR Orillaza, Harmonic state space model of a Closed-Loop balanced thyristor controlled series compensator 17th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) 2016 |
JM Napao, CA Yap, B Agustin, JR Orillaza, Stochastic analysis on the effect of fault impedance and fault type to the area of vulnerability 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) |
IBNC Cruz, AP Lavega, JRC Orillaza, Overview of voltage sag profile estimation 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) |
YI Chung, JM Bonifacio, JRC Orillaza, Harmonic analysis of an HVDC rectifier using Unified Harmonic Domain algorithm and time domain initialization approach 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) |
J. Orillaza, L Orillaza, , and A. Barra, , “Consumer acceptance of prepaid metering and consumer preferences,” Proc. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Hongkong, December 2014. |
J. Orillaza and A. Wood, “Harmonic state-space model of a controlled TCR,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 28, no.1, January 2013. |
J. Orillaza, N. Watson, and S. Hardie,“Harmonic planning levels in New Zealand medium voltage networks,” Proc. 15th Intl. Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, IEEE/PES, Hongkong, June 2012. |
J. Orillaza, M. Hwang and A. Wood, “Switching instant variation in HSS modelling of power electronic devices,” Proc. 20th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, IEEE/PES, Christchurch, New Zealand, Dec. 2010. |
J. Orillaza and A. Wood, “Reduced harmonic state space model of TCR,” Proc. 14th Intl. Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, IEEE/PES, Bergamo, Italy, Sept. 2010. |