Position: Assistant Professor
Laboratory Affiliation: Microelectronics and Microprocessors Laboratory
Room: 401
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 ext 3383
Research Interests: Microelectronics and Microprocessors
Educational Background:
PhD Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, On-going
MS Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2018
BS Computer Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2013
Laboratory Affiliation: Microelectronics and Microprocessors Laboratory
Room: 401
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 ext 3383
Research Interests: Microelectronics and Microprocessors
Educational Background:
PhD Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, On-going
MS Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2018
BS Computer Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2013
Recent Publication/s:
N. Bernardo, F. de Leon, “On the trade-off between physical layer security and energy efficiency of massive MIMO with small cells,” Proc. International Conference on Advance Technologies for Communication, Hanoi, Vietnam 2016. |
J. Disuanco, V. Tan, F. de Leon, “Study of hybrid methods for melody extraction of polyphonic signals for Philippine indigenous music,” Proc. 8th AUN/sEED-NET International Conference on EEE, Manila, Philippines, November 2015. |
J. Disuanco, V. Tan, F. de Leon, “Study of automatic melody extraction methods for Philippineindigenous music,” Proc. 5ih International Conference on Control System, Computing & Engineering, Penang, Malaysia, November 2015. |
F. de Leon, K. Martinez, “Music genre classification using polyphonic timbre models,” Proc. 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing,” Hong Kong, August 2014. |
F. de Leon, K. Martinez, “A music genre classifier combining timbre, rhythm and tempo models,” Proc. of 2012 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2012), Cebu, Philippines, November 2012. |