Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute
Recent News

A team of EEE Students, KuryentEEE, comprising of Deceryl Trajico Cortez (IV-BSEE), Jamie Nicole Lim Castalla (IV-BSCoE), Mark Nicholas Labor Cagas (IV-BSCoE), Carl Aries Padilla Oliva (IV-BSCoE), reigned as champions during this year’s Meralco Idol Hackathon 2024 with their project entitled, “$BOLTZ(BLTZ): Decentralized Net Metering and Tracking System on Arbitrum Blockchain”

Congratulations to the researchers of the UP EEE Institute’s Electric Mobility Research group for receiving two Best Paper awards at the recently concluded 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia Pacific (ITEC-AP 2024)

Congratulations to Dr. Jhoanna Rhodette Pedrasa, Dr. Maria Theresa De Leon, Dr. John Richard Hizon, and Dr. Lew Andrew Tria of UP EEE Institute, who were recently conferred the title of UP Scientist I under the UP Scientific Productivity System for 2023-2025.
Information on EEEI Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Admission Policies, Registration Procedures, Academic Rules, etc
Read about EEEI’s commitment to serving the larger community through various works and collaborations.
Get to know our host training companies as they introduce themselves and their internship opportunities for UP EEEI students. held last 31 May 2024.
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EEE Alumni Survey
Are you an EEE Alumni? Take a quick survey here: bit.ly/EEEAlumSurvey
Internship Program FAQs
Page currently under construction. Email internship@eee.upd.edu.ph for inquiries
Graduate Program Application
Applications for 2nd Semester AY 2024-2025 is closed.
Student Organizations
List of active student organizations inside the EEEI.
Downloadable forms for students, faculty, and staff.
Support Services
Eduroam, VPN, EEE Account, etc.