Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute is a research laboratory geared towards digital signal processing algorithm development and implementation.
Laboratory Head: Carl Timothy Tolentino
Laboratory Contact Number: +632.8.981.8500 loc. 3370/3373
Sample researches under DSPL are as follows:
- Error resilient joint source-channel adaptive intra-refresh rate for wireless video transmission (Published on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2014 19th International Conference on, pp. 509-514; presented on Hong Kong, 20-23 August 2014)
- Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation for Wireless Video Transmission Based on Distortion Estimation (Published on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), 2014 International Conference on, pp. 1-4; presented in Seoul, Korea, 6-9 May 2014)
- Filipino sign language recognition using manifold projection learning (TENCON 2012 – 2012 IEEE Region 10 Conference, on 19-22 Nov. 2012, in Cebu, PH (pp.1-5)
- Developing a children’s Filipino speech corpus for application in automatic detection of reading miscues and disfluencies (TENCON 2012 – 2012 IEEE Region 10 Conference, on 19-22 Nov. 2012, in Cebu PH (pp.1-6)