Artesyn-Power Electronics Laboratory
With the aid of its industry sponsor Artesyn Embedded Technologies (then Emerson Network Power), Artesyn-PEL serves as a conducive training ground to expose students to the various fields of power electronics. Astec-PEL research areas include power supplies and converters, electric vehicle charging, electric motor drives, LED lighting, power amplifiers, battery technology, and electromagnetic compatibility.
Laboratory Head: Carl Michael Odulio, PhD
Laboratory Contact Number: +632.8981.8500 loc 3300
Sample researches under PEL are as follows:
- Rapid Electric Vehicle Charging- Charging in Minutes (CharM)
- Wind Power Generator System: Power Electronics to Wind Power System
- Design and analysis of an interleaved tapped-inductor boost converter for higher power and voltage gain applications (TENCON 2012 – 2012 IEEE Region 10 Conference, on 19-22 Nov. 2012, in Cebu, PH (pp.1-6)
- Roo Filter-based Online Battery State-of-Charge Estimator for Pure Electric Vehicles
- Energy-saving Flyback Converter for EDM Applications (TENCON 2005 IEEE Region 10, on 21-24 Nov. 2005, in Melbourne, Qld. (pp.1-6)