Position: Professor
Laboratory Affiliation: Electric Power Research Laboratory
Room: 220 or 426
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 loc 3300/3340
Research Interests: Power and Energy Systems; Electricity Markets
Educational Background:
PhD Electrical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1996
Laboratory Affiliation: Electric Power Research Laboratory
Room: 220 or 426
Telephone Number: +63-2-9818500 loc 3300/3340
Research Interests: Power and Energy Systems; Electricity Markets
Educational Background:
PhD Electrical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1996
Recent Publication/s:
Carl Odulio, Jon Clare, Alessandro Costabeber, Allan Nerves, Raymond Ridley, Alan Watson, “Design of an LLC resonant converter for EDM applications,” Proc. 2016 IEEE 2nd Annual Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC) December 5-6, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand. |
Monyvathna Chheng and Allan Nerves, “A regression model-based approach to fast contingency screening for transient stability,” 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), November 22-25, 2016, Singapore. |
Dominic Dave P Pacaba and Allan C Nerves, “Chance-constrained supply function equilibrium model of electricity markets with wind generation,” Proc. TENCON 2014- 2014 IEEE Region 10 Conference, October 22-25, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. |
Daniel R. Malabanan and Allan C, Nerves, “Power transformer condition assessment using an immune neural network approach to dissolved gas analysis,” Proc. TENCON 2014-2014 IEEE Region 10 Conference, October 22-25, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. |
R.J.C. Gallano and A.C. Nerves, “Multi-objective optimization of distribution network reconfiguration with capacitor and distributed generator placement,” Proc. TENCON 2014 – 2014 IEEE Region 10 Conference , vol., no., pp.1-6, 22-25 Oct. 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. |